When should you take The advanced open water class
TODD GROSS Dec 06, 2024
The way PADI education system was developed. They require no minimum dives to enter the advanced open water course. What we learned in the PADI e-learning program is the advanced open water course is designed to go right into after your open water certification. It'll enhance your buoyancy, continue your navigation skills, and teach critical skills like diving deep and air management. some instructors tell their students to get dive experience before taking the advanced open water course. That's never made sense to me. Why wouldn't you want to get more experience under the supervision of Instructor. Your open water certification is just like your drivers permit you know the basics, you need to practice driving with an experienced driver in the car. That's no different than your open water course. Prior to 1985 getting certified was an 8 to 12 week course and included all the skills from your open water certification, advanced open water certification, and rescue diver certification. It's a large financial investment and a serious commitment of time just to go scuba diving for the first time. So certification agencies got together and decided the quickest and safest way to get people diving is multiple certification levels.. In your open water class you learned basic skills to dive, and if conditions were right, you got to do some diving. When we go directly into the advanced open water course, most of what you do is diving while expanding on the skills you learned in your open water course. When you finish your advanced open water course, you'll have the advanced skills you need to lead and explore safely..
we offer advanced open water courses every other month in Monterey, so continue your adventure and take your next step
Book it Now: https://pinnaclesdive.com/courses/advanced-open-water-aow-