We Teach PADI Tec Rec: Tec 40, 45, 50, Trimix, Sidemount, and Optima 2 Rebreather 

Classes are ongoing and most students can start right away

Contact Us @ (415) 897-9962, or Diving@pinnaclesdive.com and Start Today!


Technical diving, or Tec diving, take divers beyond the limits of recreational diving.
You learn how to safely:

  • Dive at depths greater than the recreational limit of 40m/130ft

  • Exceed no decompression time limits

  • Penetrate overhead environments beyond a linear distance of 40m/130ft

  • Use variable gas mixes.

Through specialized courses, you develop and demonstrate the discipline, thought, training,
and attitude required to safely engage in Tec diving.

Prices don't include the Tec manual, rental gear, or boat charter seats, any gear you may need to purchase for the course. 


Tec 40

The Tec 40 course bridges the gap between recreational diving and full technical deep decompression diving. Tec 40 introduces the use of dive planning software to undertake decompression dives with equipment that is more extensive than that used in mainstream recreational diving.

Divers will learn how to make limited decompression dives to 40m/130ft using a single stage cylinder of decompression gas. Double tanks (or side-mounted) are encouraged but not required on this course, although the full standardized technical diving rig will be discussed.
Decompression is limited to a maximum of 10 minutes with a single decompression gas up to 50% oxygen. Skills are introduced and developed to allow handling of reasonably foreseeable emergencies that may occur in this type of diving.


  • Minimum age: 18 years old

  • Minimum logged dives: 30

  • PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or equivalent

  • PADI Enriched Air Diver or equivalent, with at least 10 dives with enriched air nitrox deeper than 18m/60ft

  • PADI Deep Diver or at least 10 logged dives to 30m/100ft


Tec 45

The Tec 45 course extends depth limits to 45m/145 ft. Tec 45 teaches you to plan & execute repetitive decompression dives using a single stage/decompression cylinder.

This course builds on the Tec 40 course by training divers to make dives to greater depth than the Tec 40 limits on air or nitrox. For decompression, any mix up to 100% oxygen maybe used. Divers will learn how to make decompression dives to 45m/145ft using a single stage cylinder of decompression gas. Double tanks (or side mounted) are required on this course and the full standardized technical diving rig is employed. There are no limits to the amount of decompression other than those dictated by gas management and student comfort, and environmental factors. Skills are further developed to allow handling of reasonably foreseeable emergencies that may occur in this type of diving.


  • Minimum age: 18 years old

  • PADI Tec 40 Diver or equivalent

  • Minimum logged dives: 50, with at least 12 dives on enriched air nitrox deeper than 18m/60ft and 6 dives deeper than 30m/100ft

  • PADI Rescue Diver or equivalent

  • A Medical Statement signed by a physician within the last 12 months


Tec 50

The Tec 50 course develops competency & skills to dive to a max of 50 m/165 ft. Tec 50 teaches you to extend & accelerate decompression stops using up to 2 gases.

This course builds on the Tec 45 course by training divers to make dives to greater depths than the Tec 45 limits on air or nitrox. For decompression, any 2 deco mixes up to 100% oxygen maybe used. Divers will learn how to make decompression dives to 50m/165ft using a 2 different stage cylinders of decompression gas. Double tanks (or side mounted) are required on this course and the full standardized technical diving rig is employed. There are no limits to the amount of decompression other than those dictated by gas management and student comfort, and environmental factors. Skills are further developed to allow handling of reasonably foreseeable emergencies that may occur in this type of diving.


  • Minimum age: 18 years old

  • PADI Tec 45 Diver or equivalent

  • Minimum logged dives: 100, with at least 20 dives on enriched air nitrox deeper than 18m/60ft and 15 dives deeper than 30m/100ft

  • A Medical Statement signed by a physician within the last 12 months


